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About this Tool
Tool Type:
5 min read
Published on
April 26, 2023

Take Better Notes, Stay Focused, and Collaborate More Effectively

Revolutionize Your Meetings with Avoma

Meet Avoma, the cutting-edge tool set to transform your approach to meetings. Say goodbye to the days of scrambling to take notes and the frustration of missing critical information. With Avoma, you're on the path to a future where meeting productivity is not just a goal, but a reality.

Meet Smarter, Not Harder

With technology at your side, Avoma allows you to sit back and engage fully in discussions, ensuring that every meeting is an opportunity for growth and collaboration.

Top Features at a Glance
  • Always accurate automatic transcription
  • Identify and highlight key talking points effortlessly
  • Never miss important moments with intuitive tracking
  • Seamless collaboration that empowers team synergy
  • Action items are tracked to keep everyone accountable
  • Powered by AI for maximum efficiency
  • Top-notch security to protect your discussions
  • User-friendly interface for stress-free interaction

Embrace the Art of Productive Meetings

It's not just about having meetings; it's about having effective meetings. Avoma redefines how you prepare for, conduct, and follow through on every single meeting you have.

Drive Successful Outcomes

Whether you're leading a high-stakes negotiation, brainstorming for a project, or having a one-on-one with a team member, Avoma's suite of features supports you every step of the way.

Every Meeting Counts

Use Avoma to turn every meeting into a value-added activity. By capturing and organizing the insights gathered during discussions, every participant is equipped to make better decisions, drive initiatives forward, and contribute to the team's success.

Go Beyond the Meeting Room

Avoma is not just about enhancing the in-meeting experience; it's about amplifying the post-meeting productivity. By ensuring that the takeaways from your discussions lead to actionable results, Avoma is an integral part of your team's success.

Capture, Collaborate, Conquer

With Avoma's advanced features, you're not just capturing conversation; you're creating a foundation for ongoing collaboration and achievement.

Additional Advantages

Here's how Avoma takes you further:

  • Saves precious time that can be spent on high-value activities
  • Sharpens focus, ensuring that every participants' attention is where it matters
  • Maximizes meeting outcomes, leading to more informed decision-making
  • Enhances team collaboration, building a stronger, more cohesive unit
  • Keeps action items in check, so nothing falls through the cracks
  • Helps maintain organization, so you're always in control
  • Facilitates better decisions by providing a full picture
  • Boosts overall team productivity, setting new performance standards


$ 19 /User/mo.
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$ 49 /User/mo.
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