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About this Tool
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5 min read
Published on
March 7, 2023

The AI-Powered Research Assistant That Can Help You Write Better Papers in Less Time

Revolutionary Research at Your Fingertips

Introducing an essential tool for modern researchers, Elicit—an AI-powered assistant revolutionizing the way you interact with academic literature. Gone are the days of sifting through endless search results and manual data compilation. Unleash your full potential in research productivity and let Elicit guide you through the vast ocean of academic papers effortlessly.

The Future of Efficient Literature Review

Elicit is not just another research tool; it's your unwavering partner in the quest for knowledge. With cutting-edge technology designed to understand and anticipate your research needs, you will navigate through the complexities of academic data like never before.

Key Features
  • Access to over 200 million academic papers at your fingertips
  • Customized curation of research papers based on your specific questions
  • One-sentence abstract summaries simplifying your review process
  • Automated data extraction organized into easy-to-read tables
  • AI-powered analysis for uncovering trends and concepts across literature

Transform Your Research Experience

Elicit is designed for researchers from all fields who are seeking efficiency and depth in their academic pursuits. Whether you're conducting medical research, analyzing economic trends, or diving into the humanities, Elicit's dynamic capabilities adapt to meet your unique challenges.

Empowering Academic Exploration

Imagine the ability to condense weeks of work into mere hours, diving deeply into subject matter without the mundane legwork. Elicit empowers you to make informed decisions, discover connections, and contribute significant advancements in your field.

Use Cases

Elicit thrives across a multitude of scenarios:

  • For medical professionals researching the latest treatment methods
  • Data scientists seeking datasets and algorithm trends
  • Economists analyzing shifts in market forces
  • Historians tracing the lineage of cultural movements

An Investment in Knowledge

Choose Elicit—a testament to the importance of innovation in research. With glowing endorsements from leading academics, its value is clear. From Michael Nielsen's transformative discoveries to Torben Riise's daily medical investigations, Elicit is the choice of experts.

Endorsements That Speak Volumes

When the community speaks, they listen. Elicit has garnered acclaim from respected voices across the academic spectrum, affirming its impact on their work and the broader research landscape. Marc Watkins' description of Elicit as 'JSTOR on steroids' echoes the sentiments of many who have experienced its power.

Additional Details

Elicit stands ready to serve those who seek to broaden their knowledge and push the boundaries of understanding. This tool is for thinkers, innovators, and anyone who believes that the pursuit of knowledge is the noblest of endeavors. Embrace the future of research with Elicit.
