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Streamline agile workflows with EPICMATIC's intelligent story automation

Revolutionize Your Project Management with EPICMATIC

Take the leap into the future of agile project management with EPICMATIC, your gateway to effortless and precise epic creation. Gone are the days of laborious writing and guesswork. With EPICMATIC's cutting-edge AI, you can transform the way you approach software development, ensuring your team works smarter, not harder. Embrace the tool that's setting a new benchmark for efficiency and clarity in project planning.

Unleash the Power of Automation

EPICMATIC isn't just another project management tool; it's a visionary solution that automates the creative process of your project's epic stories. Built for developers, project managers, and scrum masters, it offers a seamless transition from technical stacks and task descriptions to well-defined user stories, complete with acceptance criteria and story points. Make the shift to a streamlined workflow that accelerates productivity and enhances team synergy.

Key Features
  • Intelligent Story Generation: Converts your technical stack and task descriptions into comprehensive user stories.
  • Accurate Acceptance Criteria: Develops clear and precise acceptance criteria for each story, aligning expectations and outcomes.
  • Effort Estimation: Automatically assigns story points, aiding in effective sprint planning and resource allocation.
  • Time-saving: Dramatically reduces the time spent on writing and refining epics, so your team can focus on development.
  • User-friendly Interface: Navigate with ease thanks to an intuitive design that simplifies project management.

Transformative Use Cases

EPICMATIC shines in a multitude of scenarios, proving indispensable for any agile-focused organization. Its versatility allows it to cater to various project sizes, complexities, and industries. From small startups to large enterprises, any team aiming to increase their productivity and project clarity can benefit substantially.

Project Management Perfected

Whether you're a scrum master streamlining sprint planning or a project manager overseeing multiple teams, EPICMATIC is the tool you need. It ensures that every team member is on the same page, with clear goals and well-defined tasks that are crucial for successful project completion.

For Developers and Teams

Developers can now dive straight into coding without the preliminary hassle of deciphering vague requirements. Teams can collaborate more effectively, with a shared understanding of what needs to be done and how long it may take. This leads to better predictability in deliverables and a significant reduction in time-to-market for your products.

Additional Details to Explore

EPICMATIC is not just a time-saver, it's a strategic advantage. With its adaptive AI, the tool learns from your project inputs, becoming more attuned to your specific needs over time. This means that the more you use EPICMATIC, the better it gets at assisting you in crafting perfect epics.

Seamless Integration & Support

Expect no interruption to your current workflow. EPICMATIC integrates effortlessly with popular project management tools, ensuring a smooth adoption into your ecosystem. Plus, with their dedicated support team, you'll have all the assistance you need to make the most out of EPICMATIC.

Ready for Any Challenge

EPICMATIC is robust and flexible, designed to handle the ever-changing landscape of software development. It's prepared to tackle any project challenge head-on, delivering consistency and quality in your project documentation, streamlining your agile practices, and empowering your team to achieve more.


9.90 €/Month
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24.90 €/Month
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